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You are here » Crazy Fox Cops And Robbers » Server Help » Commands of the CFCNR Server

Commands of the CFCNR Server

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All Commands(cmds) in CFCNR Server

What is CMDS does mean?

Command, which can be a noun or a verb, combines the Latin prefix com-, meaning "with," and mandare, "to charge, enjoin," so to give someone a command is to say something with the authority that charges him to follow it.

Your mother might command you to clean your room. Command can also mean a position of power, like having command of a battleship, or possession of a skill, like having a great command of video games.

Primary Meanings of command are an authoritative direction or instruction to do something or a line of code written as part of a computer program ( Computer Science )
So, What are the cmds in the CFCNR server?

Help Commands


General Commands

- /jailtime    View a list of jailed players
- /viplist     View a list of donors or donate player ( Very Important Player )
- /pm          Send a private message
- /w           Send a message to players close to you ( Local Chat )
- /cw          Sends a message to players in your vehicle
- /kill        Commit Suicide
- /radio       Choose a radio station
- /stats       View our stats
- /sm          Send money to another player
- /ask         Ask a question
- /report      If u spotted a cheater or abuse admin, Use /report to report the player to online admins
- /payticket Pay a ticket
- /animlist  View a list of avaible cmds

If you want to know and see other cmds, type /cmds in the Game



Good  :glasses:


You are here » Crazy Fox Cops And Robbers » Server Help » Commands of the CFCNR Server